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Drawing 4 - the Monthly average salary of member countries EvrAzEs (US dollars)

×èòàéòå òàêæå:
  1. Countries of the UK
  2. Countries within a Country
  3. Countries, capitals, languages and nationalities
  5. English Speaking Countries - Àíãëîÿçû÷íûå ñòðàíû
  6. Ex.2. Sum up what you remember about doing business on the Internet.
  7. Ex.2. Sum up what you remember about the single European currency.
  8. Ex.2. Sum up what you remember about the World Trade Organization.
  9. I remember how he asked for a glass of rum from my father when he first came and how he slowly drank it.
  10. Most of the houses have a fireplace which forms the most characteristic feature of an English home and is seldom seen in other European countries.
  11. Presidents in democratic countries

A number of agreements and documents, for today signed within the limits of development of transit potential of EvrAzES, promotes activization of integration processes in the given priority line of activity of Community. So Council about the transport policy, the commission on transport tariffs and to harmonization of transport legislations of the countries-participants EvrAzEs, for example, are created, the uniform operating mode of a railway transportation of associates is confirmed.
However on creation of the transport union also there are some remarks. Much in the given direction of integration of the central-Asian countries still should be made. There are such problems, as inconsistency of a customs policy, absence of due information support of transport transportations, low level of a technical condition of an infrastructure, absence of the uniform coordinated approach to formation of railroad rates, including passenger and freight traffic, presence of separate disputed positions of national transport legislations of the countries EvrAzEs.
The power policy. In power sphere of Evr AzES puts a priority formation of the uniform power market. Thereupon Council about the power policy of the countries EvrAzEs is created, parallel functioning of power supply systems of member countries EvrAzEs is restored,


The joint power enterprises are created, work on reconstruction and strengthening of intersystem transmission lines is conducted. Though, as Secretary general EvrAzEs Grigory of Ra-sweat at the recent summit in Sochi hasn'ted, the concept of the general power market of the countries-participants EvrAzEs for the present isn't ready [12, ñ.43 9, ñ.19].
There is an active work on creation of uniform power balance and a vodno-power consortium of the countries of Community. It is necessary to notice that after joining of Uzbekistan to Eves-rAzES and its association with ÎÖÀÑ, high hopes are assigned to the decision of problems of rational use water and power resources of the countries of community that without these transformations it was represented not quite real for member countries of the Euroasian economic community.
There are also some other problems on a way of power integration, such as absence of uniform approaches to formation of tariffs for electric power transit between the countries EvrA-ZeS, discrepancy of some tax norms of national legislations to contracts of EvrAzES in the given sphere, inefficient system of customs control of interstate streams of the electric power in the states EvrAzEs.
But, despite huge volume and complexity of work of principal organs of EvrAzES, G.Rapota notices progress in sphere of investment questions of a power direction that as he said it will be shown in cooperation of recently created Euroasian Bank of Development, under initiatives of Kazakhstan and Russia, with the first to objects, its financial attention - power projects of EvrAzES. The real stage included civil-engineering designs of Sanktudinsky HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION in Tajikistan and Kambaratinsky HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATIONS in Kyrgyzstan.
Cooperation in investment sector. In a direction of development of favorable conditions for attraction of investments into the countries Evr AzEs laborious work on harmonization of base economic legislations of member countries of Community is spent. The main transformations ñoncern tax, budgetary and financial legislations of member countries EvrAzEs.
Harmonization of legislations is conducted also for the purpose of maintenance of closer cooperation in all spheres for the accelerated development of integration processes within the limits of Evr AzES.
Humanitarian sphere of cooperation. In humanitarian sphere the great attention is given to the migratory policy as control over migration, its rational regulation should provide the correct plan of social policy of the countries EvrAzEs.
Thereupon work is conducted on:
1) to ordering of process and the migration account;
2) protection of migrants against a crime and an arbitrariness of the authorities with creation of conditions for work, on the other hand;
3) on protection of the country which accepts labor (from infringements and a crime accompanying migratory streams).
As to social problems, work basically is conducted on maintenance of realization of the agreements accepted within the limits of the Customs union. So work on maintenance of practical application of agreements of the HARDWARE about a visa-free regime of moving of citizens, and to the simplified order of reception of citizenship by the HARDWARE countries-participants (today EvrAzES), for example, is conducted. Besides, the legal system of a recognition and equivalence of documents on formation, scientific degrees and ranks which also gives the chance a choice and access of citizens of the countries EvrAzEs to social life is created.
Close cooperation is carried out in a legal direction on harmonization of legislations. The most part of acts of member countries EvrAzEs for the purpose of achievement of more profound and close integration development of participants of Community is improved and unified.

In many respects work on harmonization of legislations defines progress in a realization direction âûøåîòìå÷åííûõ the purposes of a migratory policy and other spheres of cooperation of associates.
Prospects. Today we can speak about the integration structure which has developed to regional level working in interests of the states of the Euroasian space both promoting individual social and economic and political development of each of them. But it is not necessary to forget and about the problems, which else it is necessary to solve to participants of this association [11, ñ.114].
There are still such problems, as weak boundary control, vulnerability of migrants and threat of uncontrollable streams of migration in connection with an economic situation of this or that country-participant of the community, certain inconsistency in legislations of the countries EvrAzEs. Open there is a question on the customs union of all six states, problems of water-power distribution [12, ñ.40 10, ñ.53] aren't up to the end solved.
However prospects for the further development of cooperation within the limits of the Euroasian economic community definitely are also big enough. This fact confirms at least that in January, 2006 Uzbekistan has joined Evr AzES. And joining of Uzbekistan as we believe, should deduce the organization on higher level of integration as with membership of this country possibilities of the decision of many problems, in particular, decisions of a difficult spectrum of problems in Fergana valley, rational use of water resources of the central-Asian region, use of transport transit potential and others considerably raise.
Thus, today we can speak with confidence about EvrAzES as about the taken place integration association having the international status, value and weight in region and the world.

1.3 Integration into the central Asia

Integration aspirations of many countries find the officially complete form in the created Interstate council, and also in the Contract on eternal friendship between the states and the Contract on uniform economic space which are equitable to interests of the independent national states and serve strengthening of bonds of friendship and good neighbourhood.
In Interstate council Council of prime ministers, Ministerial council of foreign affairs, Ministerial council of defence of republics are created. Interstate council has constantly operating working body - executive committee which conducts koordinatsionno-advisory, is look-ahead-analytical, information works and control over performance of decisions of Interstate council and its institutes.
At the same time it is necessary to note, what not all countries of the Central Asia go by the way of integration. So, the management of Tajikistan adheres to a principle «to take part in work of all without an exception of the interstate bodies created within the limits of the CIS». «We consider, - E.Rakhmonov speaks, — that integration processes should extend and go deep on a basis both multilateral, and bilaterial agreements and contracts. We see in it a way of the present voluntary association of the sovereign Post-Soviet countries in the close interstate union on essentially new bases considering modern realities» [4]. At the same time it is necessary to notice that Tajikistan aspires today to market economy, creation of democratic institutes, privatisation of the property, etc., but these actions of the government carry not system, yet enough thought over character that testifies to absence of concrete "model" of development.
Turkmenistan already long time does not accept idea of regional integration and consequently constantly separates from the central-Asian cooperation. Thus he gives great attention to cooperation with Iran, Saudi Arabia. Pursuing a policy of "open doors», co-operates with corporations and firms of the far abroad. Therefore for today there was an opinion that «Turkmenistan and its aversion of ideas of the central-Asian integration testifies that in the near future it is not necessary to expect expansion of Commonwealth of the central-Asian states to all five states. Probably, it would be expedient«to call»Turkmenistan that he participated not in all forms of integration, and only in cultural, humanitarian and, gradually, in economic spheres» [5]. What direction of cooperation to accept - the sovereign right of each state. Therefore today in the Central Asia there is no uniform, standard model of social and economic development, the government and cooperation. Thus creation of such conditions which would include possibility not only for the separate states is, of course, expedient, but also for the Union of the states to participate in integration at various levels at their choice. «For example, Uniform economic space (ÅÝÏ), including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and in the future, probably, and Turkmenistan - in the centre; the Customs union between Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, on the one hand, and the Organization of economic cooperation (ÝÊÎ) - with another». Such form of integration is most comprehensible to those countries which have different national models of development, but are interested in strengthening of the world and stability in region and the world.
In the field of the international cooperation and integration the Kirghiz Republic supports «regional cooperation "and" the operated neighborhood"."Today it is obvious, - the President of republic A.Akaev repeatedly underlines, - that the people of the Central Asia are, more than ever, free in a choice of the future, however there is a number of circumstances which demand association of our efforts. Any of problems facing us in political, economic and ecological areas cannot be It is solved by efforts only one state. Freely chosen forms of integration regulated by a market mechanism are the key factor of long-term success. Our stable and forward development is in direct dependence on voluntary acceptance on itself the states of region of obligations of general responsibility for the future and the future of the neighbors. Thereupon the special importance is got by necessity of coordination of practice of the decision of internal problems with requirements of the international cooperation»[6, ñ.70].
At the central-Asian conference on A.Akaev's regional cooperation has suggested to create constantly operating Conference of regional cooperation of Council on a sustainable development and has put forward idea of "the operated neighborhood». «Today, - he hasn't, - it is necessary to focus attention on the special neighborhood regulated by joint efforts which, on my deep belief, will be more favorable everything, the neighborhood is rather than simple. The operated neighborhood, certainly, shouldn't replace the national government, and allow to involve in a big-times politics at all levels not only the state structures, but also wide layers of the public» [7, ñ.11].
In structure of the international cooperation of the central-Asian states an essential role national diplomacy as original sociocultural plays cooperation model. Inter-parliamentary communications of the countries entering in ÖÀÑ (the central-Asian Union), Assembly of cultures of the people of the Central Asia, Interstate council and others testify, what exactly national diplomacy promotes deepening of political integration and strengthening ÖÀÑ.
Interstate council gives special attention to questions of non-distribution of drug-dealing, a preservation of peace and safety in the Central Asia. One of the factors influencing efficiency or not efficiency of regional integration The central-Asian states, the religion is, it takes a special place. Being in many respects reflection of inconsistent ethno political and ethno cultural processes, the religion, and in particular Islam, even more often becomes influential force. Though today all central-Asian republics consider themselves as the secular states and aspire to separate religion from the state, depriving Islam, thus, to interfere with political life of a society, aspirations and fears of the states of the Central Asia it is possible to understand possibilities. Unequivocally that Islam can become the factor of consolidation many a confessional society, the state building, maintenance of political stability, mobilization of people, introduction of market economy, creation of legal base for construction of a civil society, development of the nation, technics, formation and culture. Nevertheless, despite the limitation, the Islamic factor in the states of the Central Asia is a certain social and political reality, to deny which today it is impossible. From here it is possible to draw a conclusion that, despite all importance of Islamic revival in public life, supporters of idea of Islamic revival as factor of national consolidation and integration of the people of the Central Asia, together with possible model of development of region didn't become prevailing public and political movement. So at a present stage of sociopolitical life of the states of the Central Asia one of important political certificates are: struggle against religious extremism and Islamic fundamentalism, safety of frontiers, prevention of extremist groups, and also attraction and consolidation of positive forces of Islam on strengthening of the international cooperation in the Central Asia and the decision of difficult interethnic and international problems. Thus, marking the most actual problems of the international cooperation of the central-Asian states, it is necessary to underline the following:
First, modern political processes in the countries of the Central Asia are characterized by formation of political ideology - liberal democracy. Under the maintenance and under the form political processes of the central-Asian countries are similar and have identical character;
Secondly, the sovereign central-Asian states search today for active ways of the further cooperation to all spheres of political life (and it became appreciable last years in connection with the international terrorism and religious extremism);
Thirdly, the countries of the Central Asia go by the way of integration into all spheres of political life: political, economic, military, customs etc. in the form of multilateral, bilaterial relations. Importance of these socially political relations consists that they are necessary to secure themselves against threats and calls of the world globalization;
Fourthly, the formed various political organizations in the countries of the Central Asia, and in particular Interstate council as the original political body organized by the national states, have large powers and the rights for realization of regional integration of the central-Asian republics in the decision of social and economic, ecological, ethno cultural and other problems;
Fifthly, perfection of political, economic, cultural-ideological relations between the central-Asian states in conditions a post of a transition period from communistic political system to formation of liberally-democratic values becomes the objective precondition of understanding further Their cooperation in the area of the CIS, ÖÀÑ, Contracts on collective safety, and also decisions of the problems connected with frontier, customs, agricultural, power and other questions.
Geographical arrangement of Kazakhstan between such regional centers of force as China and Russia, presence in the country of rich natural resources and obvious interest shown thereupon to Republic from all without an exception of modern world powers, have predetermined complexity of construction of the foreign policy concept of our state.
In 1993 the President of Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev during the first working visit to the USA to "Washington Post" interview has been compelled to declare that Kazakhstan is located between two nuclear powers - Russia and China. Besides, in a management of the Peoples Republic of China, «there are forces asserting that Kazakhstan historically belonged to China» [1, ñ.8].
Actually in addition to that both regional predominant forces were owners of the nuclear packages, each of them had on hands additional arguments in favor of necessity of maintenance and development with them of stable good-neighborhood with prospect of mutually advantageous cooperation. Both arguments are valid and at a present stage of maintenance with them mutual relations.
Except geographical affinity with the Russian Federation (Russian Federation), Kazakhstan connect with this country deep roots practically in all spheres of ability to live of the modern state: from fuel and energy where both countries support and develop cooperation from the very beginning, before military-technical interaction. Military presence of Russia at the Kazakhstan cities: Emba, located in the West Kazakhstan, in Saryshagane, Tojshagane in the south of Kazakhstan and Baikonur, in addition support bilateral mutual understanding. On the other hand, more and more increasing economic influence in region of the Chinese National Republic (Peoples Republic of China) allocates this state with the expanded possibilities in relation to the next Post-Soviet countries. Modern dynamics of economic growth in China allows a management of this state to follow a large-scale policy of investment investments in oil and gas branch of the central-Asian region. Throughout all fourteen years after Union disintegration steady growth of trade and economic relations of the Peoples Republic of China with the new independent countries is observed. In parallel there is a potential threat êèòàèçàöèè the Russian Far East, and also Southeast boundaries ÐÊ. In turn for Kazakhstan which population makes 14,5 million persons, a migratory impact from 1,5 billion neighbor - the phenomenon rather undesirable. Large number of East neighbor can be regarded as the positive factor (the developing consumer markets of China and Southern Asia) only in case it will be possible to secure itself against it, as from potential threat.

1.4 Stages integration processes of the central-Asian states

In the conditions of modern globalization, the international terrorism and religious extremism, the Central Asia (ÖÀ) becomes interest epicenter in the strategic, geopolitical plan at representatives not only great world powers, but also regional. Today these new central-Asian states are full subjects of the international relations. They build the open, democratic societies.
From here a question on what should be the Central Asia in the near future in political, economic, spiritual measurement and in what the essence of the further international cooperation of the central-Asian states consists are questions world and The regional policy. Thus all agree: first, that geopolitical interests of these five countries of the Central Asia coincide are to live in friendship and a brotherhood, after all, they live, communicating with each other in the millenia, helping each other, co-operating in all spheres of political life.
Secondly, all agree that interests of the central-Asian countries - political, economic, spiritual have the general bases; they want to establish a political order, stability in this region, together defining the national safety against modern threats and calls.
Thirdly, politicians and scientists are convinced that confusion and the difficulties existing between the central-Asian states in sphere of frontier areas - customs, power, agricultural, household etc., solvable politically, national diplomacy. Fourthly, for the central-Asian states that òðàíñôîðìàöèîííûå and ìîäåðíèçîâàííûé processes pass at a time is characteristic also and their character is identical. Are available only some distinctions in rates of realization of these political processes.
After disintegration of the USSR (since 1991) between the people of the Central Asia special value has played the international cooperation in such directions as trade and economic, sociopolitical, diplomatic, ecological, ethno cultural, scientific and technical and information, cultural, ïðàâîòâîð÷åñêîå, cooperation in sphere of strengthening of independence of the world in region, etc. the Purpose of the international cooperation is strengthening of bonds of friendship, good neighborhood and an ethno cultural contact between the people of the independent states of the Central Asia.
According to A.Dzhekshenkulova (Kyrgyzstan), specificity of a transition period in the countries of the Central Asia consists that «have imposed in due time to these countries from the outside the Soviet variant of civilisations of modernisation, And in some cases literally armed force. This variant was badly interfaced to traditional social relations of the people of the Central Asia and their cultures»[12, ñ.90].
Regional cooperation of the central-Asian states is most full shown in trade and economic sphere. Every year (since 1985) there are tendencies of increase in volume of barter between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan and with other [5, ñ.63].
The main subject of the international cooperation is the state. The state defines the purpose and problems of cooperation, first of all in sociopolitical sphere. Analyzing a role of the state in a transition period in the Central Asia, it is necessary to underline that at transition from planned system to market the essential role is played by the state.
The central Asia has begun since 1991 with signing of the Agreement on creation of the Inter republican advisory council of republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. However in life this initiative has not received a real embodiment. Disintegration of the USSR has strengthened äåçèíòåãðàöèîííûå processes. There were all new and new institutes (borders, customs, the visa etc.). Only in 1994 of the state have started practical realisation of regional cooperation. Creation of uniform economic space by such states as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, has resulted in 1995 in convocation of the central-Asian conference on regional cooperation. Within the limits of this Conference began tradition to spend constant conferences of the states of the Central Asia on a sustainable development.
Formation of modern integration of the central-Asian states, is defined by four stages:
The first stage is connected with growth of national consciousness, activization of patriotic and socially-democratic forces. Within the limits of Soviet Union heads of republics of the Central Asia for Strengthenings of traditional relations and friendship, establishment of the international consent between the people and the ethnic groups living in region, the decision to found the International association of assistance to cooperation and progress of the people of Central Asia and Kazakhstan (ÌÀÑÑÏÍ) was accepted. And on August, 14th, 1991 in the city of Tashkent the decision on creation of the Advisory council on development of uniform approaches in the decision of shared problems of economy of republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan was accepted.
The second stage includes formation of the independent states (September, 1991) and signing of the Contract on creation of uniform economic space (July, 1994). The commissions on the organization of cooperation in the field of transport, social protection of the population, an information exchange, pricing, etc. But these commissions are created Regional consulting council, in the absence of necessary legal and economic maintenance, could not develop the activity to the full.
The third stage of formation of cooperation of the new central-Asian states begins with signing of the Contract on uniform economic space on April, 30th, 1994 in the city of Cholpan-Ata and creations of Interstate council of Republics: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan (ÖÀÑ). At a meeting in Almaty on July, 8th, 1994 heads of the states declared decision-making to found Interstate council: «It is possible to tell with all definiteness, - it is told in this Reference, - with signing of these documents real advancement of our countries on creation not only the economic union, but also the general political and cultural space» has begun. Then this union have joined Tajikistan, and as the observer — Russia, Georgia and Ukraine.
The fourth stage finishes formation of legal base as bases of financial and economic, political and cultural integration after formation of Interstate council and begins with signing 10 January, 1997 of the Contract on eternal friendship between Republic Kazakhstan, the Kirghiz Republic and Republic Uzbekistan. In this document it is noticed that the given Agreement promotes the further strengthening of relations of eternal friendship between three states, based on affinity of history, culture, language and traditions.
After formation the Commonwealths of Independent States (CIS) heads of republics have confirmed the interest in formation and strengthening of the CIS and operated as the independent states.
But leaders of the new central-Asian states understood not worse, than initiators of creation of the CIS, inadmissibility of rupture of social and economic communications. Therefore they declared the readiness to become equal in rights ñîó÷ðåäèòåëÿìè the CIS. According to leaders of the central-Asian states:
- Coordination of efforts on formation of commonwealth of the independent states is necessary;
- Creation of commonwealth of the independent states should be carried out on a legal basis;
- The commonwealth of the independent states should be carried out on a legal basis;
- The commonwealth of the independent states should guarantee equality of all nations and nationalities, protection of their rights and interests;
- The commonwealth of the independent states can't be formed to the ethnic, confessional or any other sign which is violating human rights and the people;
- The commonwealth of the independent states recognizes and respects territorial integrity and inviolability of nowadays existing borders;
- Earlier concluded Contract on economic community it is necessary to confirm and finish work on it in full volume [33, s.88-90].



2.1 Problems of participation of Kazakhstan in the regional financial and economic organizations

The world community, unfortunately, still couldn't find universal methods of the decision of the most complicated problems of the present, counteraction to global calls and threats. For the last year character of the negative phenomena and tendencies hasn't changed. They even have even more become aggravated. Intensity of their development has even more amplified. Events in Iraq became serious test for the United Nations, with all sharpness having bared necessity of carrying out of institutional reform of the United Nations Organization. The United Nations with its authority, universal character and unique experience still play an important coordinating role in all world affairs. But efficiency of the United Nations depends on our will. We are obliged to reform by common efforts the Organization from this point of view democratization of the international relations. Time of perfection of mechanisms of the United Nations, their adaptation to modern requirements has come. The international law also faces the decision òðóäíåéøèõ problems on creation of uniform principles of observance by members of the world community of collective decisions and unification of legal terms. The United Nations should play a key role in process a post of disputed restoration of Iraq. Kazakhstan has supported the resolution of the UN Security Council 1483 from May, 22nd 2003ã. On removal of sanctions against Iraq. Confirming the readiness for cooperation on performance of this resolution, Kazakhstan has directed division of military engineers for performance of the international obligations on maintenance of peace and safety as a part of Stabilization forces of a coalition. For us Safety in the Central Asia inseparably linked with a situation in Afghanistan. Despite successful military operations in Afghanistan, position in this country remains astable and disturbing, manufacture of drugs there constantly increases. Afghanistan all also costs on the verge of humanitarian accident, millions Afghans are under the threat of starvation. As the state which has voluntary refused a nuclear heritage, Kazakhstan it is disturbed by proceeding distribution of weapons of mass destruction. The aspiration of some the countries, and also the terrorist organizations to possession the nuclear weapon and other types of weapon of mass destruction creates serious threat of global safety. Today Contracts about non-distribution of the nuclear weapon and about universal prohibition of tests of the nuclear weapon practically don't operate. The main reason of such dangerous state of affairs consists in easing of the international control. Here again solving word should belong to the United Nations and its institutes. Control toughening, strengthening transparency is necessary by working out and carrying out of nuclear tests. Available international agreements in this area demand perfection with a view of their adaptation to modern realities. It is impossible to be reconciled with that fact that the international community doesn't possess real levers of influence on the states breaking modes of non-distribution. Time shows that the Meeting on interaction and the trust measures, called under our initiative, becomes the effective mechanism of safety and stability in Asia [31, ñ.15]. In the Almaty Certificate and the Declaration on elimination of terrorism and dialogue assistance between the civilizations, accepted at the first Summit, essentially new approaches to safety to Asia based on trust, respect and cooperation are reflected. Kazakhstan is interested in the further advancement of process and will use the best efforts, that innovative norms and approaches of the countries-participants taking into account features and variety of region were realized. Now efforts Kazakhstan are directed on working out of the Catalogue of measures of trust which will be brought for discussion and acceptance during coming in next year ÑÌÈÄ and Summit ÑÂÌÄÀ. All countries to active participation in the further activity ÑÂÌÄÀ are invited. Kazakhstan attaches all-important significance of activity of the Shanghai organization of cooperation. ØÎÑ has outgrown a role of regional structure on safety and has started realization of huge potential in development of trade and economic cooperation and humanitarian communications between the countries-participants. We believe that realization of the Program of trade and economic cooperation of the countries SHOS till 2020 will create favorable conditions in trade area and investments, and also stimulation of multilateral interaction in the field of power, computer science, telecommunications, preservation of the environment and rational wildlife management. Kazakhstan aspires to bring the contribution to formation and development of a new, equal in rights, mutually advantageous world order. With that end in view we have held important international forums: the Trans-Asiatic parliamentary forum of Parliamentary Assembly of OSCE, the International conference of ministers of the developing countries which do not have an outlet to the sea spent under the aegis of the United Nations, 28th annual meeting of Islamic bank of development and, especially I want to underline, the first Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions. Within the limits of the first Trans-Asiatic forum of Parliamentary assembly of OSCE for the first time members of parliament of the countries-participants of OSCE were going to discuss problems of maintenance of the European safety far from geographical borders of Europe. First, it is caused by globalization of economic, political and cultural processes. Secondly, carrying out of an inter-parliamentary forum of OSCE in our country has underlined that role which the Central Asia in relations between all-European and formed Asian safety systems can potentially play. The International ministerial conference which has taken place in August of the United Nations of cooperation in area Transit transportations became, as a matter of fact, a turning point in achievement of the purposes of the Declaration of a millenium. Elimination of available disagreements and a compromise finding between two main interested parties – group of the countries which do not have an outlet to the sea, and group of the countries - transit became an overall objective of the spent series of negotiations. Kazakhstan is interested in practical realization of decisions of conference for fuller use of own transport potential. We give preference to creation ìóëüòè modal international transport corridors which include development of automobile, railway, aviation and water routes as components of all corridor. Successful carrying out of 28th annual meeting of Islamic bank of development in Almaty in September of this year in which delegations of 55 member countries IBR have taken part, testifies to a recognition of dynamical development of financial sector of the Kazakhstan economy and a role of our country in global economic processes [37, ñ.34].
Kazakhstan consistently pursues a policy, directed on consolidation of efforts of the world community on an establishment and dialogue development between civilizations and cultures. Being the unique state in respect of religious tolerance and the interethnic consent, Kazakhstan initiated carrying out in September of this year in Astana the first Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions. In the general opinion of participants, this largest international event has shown presence of the big peace-making potential of our country. The format of participants of Congress has given to the Astaninsky forum character of the first religious summit of the world. It is pleasant that leaders and high representatives of world and traditional religions, having expressed the general understanding about necessity of continuation of constructive interreligious dialogue, have made decision to spend congresses of leaders of world and traditional religions on a constant basis. The honor to organize is done Kazakhstan Activity of Secretary of Congress and to hold the second interreligious forum again in Astana. Today Kazakhstan is an integral part of global political and economic processes. We are deeply convinced that the alternative of an openness of our country, to its further involving in world processes doesn't exist. We support active development mutually advantageous and equal relations with all interested parties. In this plan by common efforts we can make very many. In summary would like to thank you for your daily work in adjustment of cooperation with Kazakhstan and to express gratitude for support and mutual understanding. If to try to analysis, why a number of programs of IMF and others ÌÔÎ have not achieved the object, and sometimes even have worsened a situation in regions which suffered from crisis it is possible to allocate some reasons.
First, the policy of these organizations, mainly, is defined by the developed countries. While activity of IMF and the World bank, first of all, is concentrated in developing countries, these countries receive the lion's share of financial assets from these organizations, the first persons of these organizations are mainly representatives of the developed countries, both the developed countries of Europe and the USA dominate at decision-making concerning carrying out of a certain policy. Besides, interests of member countries MFO, are presented in these organizations the higher officials in financial sphere (Ministers of Finance, representatives of the Central banks), that is people who most of all care of a financial condition of the countries, thus questions of preservation of the environment, employment and social problems in many cases fade into the background.
From this it is possible to draw a conclusion that decisions which are accepted ÌÔÎ mainly display financial and commercial interests of those who accepts them, namely representatives of financial circles of the developed countries, and not to the full serve interests of the separate nations. In Many cases commercial interests force out such important spheres as human rights, struggle against poverty, democracy etc.
Secondly, economists who work in ÌÔÎ though have very good education and are familiar with problems of developing countries, don't know a deep essence of a problem, therefore it is very heavy to them to develop the effective plan of action and to define a policy concerning the concrete country. In particular it concerns the IMF which missions usually last 2-3 weeks on which extent representatives of this organization meet representatives of the governments of the countries then come back home and already there develop the plan of action concerning situation stabilization.
Thus in each country there are own experts in the field of economy and the finance which knowledge concerning a situation in the country deeper as they are its inhabitants, and they could be very useful by working out of a stabilization policy. In turn, experts ÌÔÎ could play a role of advisers and impart experience, received as a result of cooperation with other countries, with local experts. Unfortunately, the IMF always aspired to play the central role in the given process.
Thirdly, very often requirements of IMF concerning fast carrying out of privatization and liberalization in the countries which follow the road transition to market economy became conditions of reception of financial assets. Under assumptions of IMF the markets should adapt quickly to new conditions, and, having passed in a private property, the former state enterprises should feel at once improvement and increase of efficiency of their functioning. But, unfortunately, results frequently appeared opposite, after all the human factor often wasn't considered. Many people who worked for a small salary at the state enterprises became the unemployed that negative impact has, of course, made on Economy. Besides, that fact hasn't been considered that if in the country high level of corruption privatization can't bring those benefits which from it expect, after all very often the enterprises are on sale at cut price, that enriches officials, but there is no richer a state.
As to liberalization of the markets even the IMF recognizes today what exactly this its requirement to the countries which develop, partially became the reason of financial crises of 90th years ÕÕ the item the Western countries placed emphasis on necessity of liberalization, but thus protected those areas of economy which could make a competition developing countries. Usually such policy of double standards caused the extremely negative reaction from developing countries. Besides, practice has shown that not always liberalization involves foreign investments and on the contrary, China which didn't follow recommendations ÌÔÎ, has received much more investment resources.
Besides, liberalization demands the developed system of economic regulation which hard quickly to introduce in developing countries.
Fourthly, attraction of foreign investments of one of overall objectives became frequent enough at realization of stabilization programs ÌÔÎ. Thus negative consequences which can arise thus weren't always considered. For example, the bank sphere and some areas of economy of the countries become very vulnerable and don't maintain a competition to the known foreign companies (to take, for example, the company Coca-Cola, representations of large European banks).
Fifthly, activity ÌÔÎ very often doesn't suffice a transparency by working out of the programs and strategy, the decision often are accepted behind closed doors though the IMF and the other organizations aren't private structures [16].

If programs of reforms and action which have been recommended by these organizations to the governments of the countries during crises of 90th years ÕÕ the item, were brought for discussion, that, probably, it would be possible to find out and correct in due time strategic lacks and to avoid many errors, to correct policy ÌÔÎ for the sake of achievement of the maximum effect. Probably, in this case the alternative way of stabilization of a situation which as much as possible would consider interests of all members of a society, and not just financial and commercial sectors would be found.
ÌÔÎ should report publicly about the activity that the population of the countries in which programs of these organizations are realized, had possibility to draw conclusions concerning efficiency of their work and correctness of their requirements.
From the above-stated it is possible to draw a conclusion that time when reforming of the international financial organizations which ultimate goal should become that ÌÔÎ the resources for settlement of the crisis phenomena in world economy can effectively use is necessary has come and struggle with negative consequences of globalization.
According to J. Ñòèãëèöà there is also a necessity of reforming of the international financial system as a whole. He offers such key directions in reforming of the international financial system:
1. A recognition of possible negative consequences of liberalization of the markets of the capital.
2. Use of procedure of bankruptcy in relation to private borrowers who can't carry out payment to creditors instead of use of financing of IMF for the purpose of payments in favor of creditors.
3. Improvement of bank regulation. Weak bank regulation in developing countries can lead to instability. The safe and healthy bank system is important, but it also should To provide with the capital financing of the enterprises and creation of workplaces.
4. Improvement of management by risks. Today the world countries face various risks, including with a problem of instability of rates of exchange. It is easier to certainly, developed countries to cope with similar risks and they should promote development of the insurance markets. ÌÔÎ it is necessary to give loans to developing countries in such forms which could reduce currency risks.
5. Concentration of special attention on questions of economic safety. In the majority of developing countries the system of economic safety is poorly developed, especially it concerns agricultural sphere and small-scale business, there are no programs of insurance of unemployment.
6. Improvement of anti-recessionary actions. As it is known, the policy of IMF in reply to financial crises of 90th years, has proved to be in most cases unjustified, and sometimes even promoted development of the crisis phenomena. The given help has been badly developed and is even worse used [17].
All it in a complex, and also actions for reforming of the international financial organizations, certainly, demand the long period of time. Thus the openness of the given process, carrying out of complex researches on the given subjects and discussion of results of such researches that it was possible to reveal and minimize all possible negative consequences of their introduction is very important.

2.2 Prospects of integration of Kazakhstan with the regional financial and economic organizations

In February, 2007 the present prospects of development of relations with the Shanghai organization are defined. Initially having generated for the decision of boundary questions on the basis of agreements on trust strengthening in Military area and about mutual reduction of armed forces around border, «the Shanghai five» – Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan – has grown in rather dynamical both influential political and financial and economic international organization. Since 2001 its member is Uzbekistan, Mongolia, India, Pakistan, Iran have the status of the observer, and interest to activity ØÎÑ Sri Lanka, Japan, and also Association of the states of South East Asia (ÀÑÅÀÍ) anyhow show, the USA and the European union (EU). Meanwhile ØÎÑ «effectively exists on a joint of civilizations», and its participants at all don't consider that distinctions between cultures and civilizations "are irreconcilable", as separate politicians try to prove it. The countries SHOS don't hide that their problem – organization strengthening. But it is a question not so much of expansion, how many about strengthening of efficiency of the organization. ØÎÑ – the open organization of partners covering almost 2/3 Euroasian continental spaces and uniting the states of various civilizations of sources. It is focused on maintenance of peace and stability in region and development of wide international cooperation. In the center of Eurasia, in planet heart, the association, including two global world unit – China and Russia which has entered in ÕÕI century by strategic partners, and covering the countries with huge complementary potential is under construction. Having saved up by members of the organization at the decision difficult, and sometimes drama questions of political and military character, successful experience of the cooperation, reached for years of existence ØÎÑ mutual trust, tradition following between civilization respect, dialogue and search of the general ways of development – all that sometimes name «spirit of Shanghai», member states SHOS have the right to count and on the general strategic achievements in interaction in this region in the diversified areas.
For the last years the existence the Shanghai organization of cooperation in the development has promoted far forward. Are accepted Tens the basic contract-legal documents, concerning various directions of cooperation. As a result the legal base of the organization has been put and the mechanism of interaction is debugged. Fruitful cooperation in the field of safety that is equitable to interests of all member states SHOS is carried out and it is rather important for maintenance of stability in region as a whole. On the basis of mutual benefit and mutual interest trade and economic cooperation intensively develops. Contacts in humanitarian sphere go deep, cultural cooperation develops. ØÎÑ actively increases also external relations, its authority grows. Official relations with the international and regional organizations, such as the United Nations, ÀÑÅÀÍ, the CIS, the Euroasian economic community (EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY), the increasing number of the states would wish to come into contacts with ØÎÑ are established. Despite young age, ØÎÑ from once advisory structure it was gradually transformed to the regional international organization and has incurred functions of the guarantor of the world and stable development both in the Central Asia and in Asian-Pacific region [18].
According to observers, the region of the Central Asia where concern the majority of the countries – participants ØÎÑ, already became a place of geopolitical and economic opposition of many external forces. Thereupon in the conditions of shortage of natural resources, it is obvious a sharp economic competition that struggle for possession strategic resources and control over economically important central-Asian region will become aggravated and tougher even more.
Certainly, this circumstance actually can, both to unite interests of the given group of the states, and to promote their competition. But just, in particular, for softening and settling of the last structure SHOS also can be used. It is necessary to notice that in ØÎÑ the countries with considerable economic potential, huge territory and demographic resources enter. Some of them – Russia and Kazakhstan – Have stocks of power resources, and China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Russia have large objects of power. These factors as unite interests of the states entering in ØÎÑ, and promote their competition. Anyway last years Russia, China and Kazakhstan show enviable rates of economic growth. However it is difficult to reveal, how much given economic achievements are connected with their membership in ØÎÑ, but it is impossible to deny that development of the normal good-neighborhood including fast growth of economic contacts between the countries, entering into the Shanghai organization of cooperation, has positively affected the general economic growth, became one of its components.
As the President of Republic Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbaev has noted in the performance at plenary session of heads of member states SHOS on July, 5th, 2005 in Astana:«Kazakhstan considers ØÎÑ, Meeting on interaction and measures of trust to Asia and congress of leaders of world religions which will be regularly spent in our country, as complementary mechanisms. It is an original triad it is important also that economy, safety, religious dialogue not simply âçàèìîóâÿçàíû. We hope for your support in these directions. Today it is possible to assert that the most effective economic projects without creation of the safe environment strategically íåðåàëèçóåìû that without the confessional world it is impossible to tell about real safety in region … Importance of the Asian institutes of cooperation it is defined also by that there is a new independent culture of interstate relations. At obviously designated problems in international law, occurrence of various radical concepts of the future world order it is very important to create the models of regional associations within the limits of the Asian cooperation. The certain vacuum in the international legal code should be filled and such empirical experience which will work enough within the limits of our organization, as some legal grounds Post of the Yalta world have been appreciably realized by an attendance way. It is possible to disagree with it, but not to see a reality it is impossible»*. Accurately verified and competent policy of Republic Kazakhstan in the field of the social and economic reforms, spent by the government of the country, has allowed Kazakhstan to become the leader of economic growth among the new independent states. According to the World bank, Kazakhstan, whose population makes only 1/4 population of all Central Asia, provides 2/3 incomes of all region. The volume of gross national product per capita Kazakhstan in 2005 made $3440. The statistics shows that Kazakhstan already left on indicators on an economic level of the countries of Eastern Europe which have recently become by members of the European Union.
Some years ago the Congress of the USA and the Council of Europe recognized Kazakhstan as the country with market economy, and leading international rating agencies to republic the international investment rating has been appropriated. It is necessary to notice that China shows recently solid economic achievements. So, the share of China in 2004 has made 24,4 %, having exceeded level of world gross national product whereas the same indicator at the USA, for example, was equal 18,6 %. In the past of 2005 of the Peoples Republic of China has shown the same indicators of development.
Economic cooperation admits member countries SHOS as an important and perspective direction. About necessity of economic cooperation began to speak in 1998 Already at the first meeting on September, 14th, 2001 in Almaty the Memorandum between the governments of member states SHOS about main objectives and directions of regional economic cooperation and start of process on creation of favorable conditions in trade area and investments has been signed. According to the memorandum, the mechanism of regular meetings of ministers of the member states SHOS which are responsible for the external economic and foreign trade activity (the first has taken place in May, 2002 in Shanghai) [19] is started.

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